1. Special reminder

Before registering as a "Smart Scent pro" App user, please read this "Smart Scent pro" App User Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") to ensure that you fully understand this agreement. The terms. Please read carefully and choose to accept or not accept this agreement. You can become an official registered user of the "Smart Scent pro" App and enjoy various services of the "Smart Scent pro" App after you agree and click to confirm the terms of this agreement and complete the registration process. Your registration, login, use, etc. will be regarded as acceptance of this agreement, and you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to this agreement, or have any questions about the terms of this agreement, please immediately stop the "Smart Scent pro" App user registration process, and you can choose not to use the services of this website.

This agreement stipulates the rights and obligations between the "Smart Scent pro" App and the user regarding the ""Smart Scent pro" App" service (hereinafter referred to as the "service"). "Users" refer to individuals and units who register, log in, and use this service. This agreement can be updated at any time by the "Smart Scent pro" App. Once the updated agreement terms are announced, they will replace the original agreement terms without prior notice. Users can check the latest version of the agreement terms in this APP. After modifying the terms of the agreement, if the user does not accept the modified terms, please stop using the services provided by the "Smart Scent pro" App immediately, and the user's continued use of the services provided by the "Smart Scent pro" App will be deemed to have accepted the modified agreement .


2. Account registration

2.1. The user needs to register a "Smart Scent pro" App account before using this service. The "Smart Scent pro" App account should be registered with the mobile phone number binding, please use the mobile phone number that has not been bound to the "Smart Scent pro" App account, and is not blocked by the "Smart Scent pro" App according to this agreement Register the "Smart Scent pro"App account with your mobile phone number. The "Smart Scent pro" App can change the method of account registration and binding according to user needs or product needs without prior notice to the user.

2.2. If the registration applicant has a precedent for being banned by the "Smart Scent pro" App, or is suspected of false registration and abusive registration in the name of others, and other reasons for not being able to obtain permission, the "Smart Scent pro" App will reject its registration application.

2.3. In view of the binding registration method of the "Smart Scent pro" App account, you agree that the "Smart Scent pro" App will allow your mobile phone number and mobile device identification code to be used for registration when registering.

2.4. When users register and use this service, the "Smart Scent pro" App needs to collect personal information that can identify the user so that the "Smart Scent pro" App can contact the user when necessary, or provide the user with a better experience. The information collected by the "Smart Scent pro" App includes but is not limited to the user's name and address; the "Smart Scent pro" App agrees that the use of this information will be subject to the restrictions of the third user's personal privacy information protection.


3. Account security

3.1. Once the user has successfully registered and become a user of the "Smart Scent pro" App, he will get a user name and password, and have the right to log in to the "Smart Scent pro" App at any time with his own user name and password.

3.2. The user is fully responsible for the security of the user name and password, and at the same time is fully responsible for all activities and incidents carried out under his user name.

3.3. Users shall not transfer or authorize others to use their own "Smart Scent pro" App username in any form without authorization

3.4. The user keeps the password in a safe place. Do not tell others the password. All losses caused by improper password storage shall be borne by the user.

3.5. If the user leaks the password, it may lead to unfavorable legal consequences. Therefore, no matter what the reason, the user's password security is threatened, you should immediately contact the "Smart Scent pro" App customer service staff, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.


4. User declaration and guarantee

4.1. The user promises that it is a civil subject with full capacity for civil conduct and has the ability to conclude transactions and perform its obligations.

4.2. Users are obliged to provide their real information when registering, and to ensure the validity and safety of content such as mobile phone number, name, and location, and to ensure that the "Smart Scent pro" App staff can obtain it with the user through the above contact information contact. At the same time, the user is also obliged to update the relevant registration information in time when the relevant information actually changes.

4.3. Any content created, uploaded, copied, published, and disseminated by the user through the use of the "Smart Scent pro" App, including but not limited to account avatars, names, user descriptions and other registration information and authentication materials, or text, voice Sending, replying, and related linked pages of, pictures, videos, graphics, etc., as well as other content generated by using accounts or this service, must not violate relevant national legal systems, including but not limited to the following principles:

(1) Violation of the basic principles established by the Constitution;

(2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

(3) Damage to national honor and interests;

(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;

(5) Undermining the state's religious policy, promoting cults and feudal superstition;

(6) Spreading rumors, disrupting the order of the community, undermining social stability;

(7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide, terror or instigating crime;

(8) Insulting or slandering others, infringing on the legal rights and interests of others;

(9) Contains other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

4.4. Users shall not use the "Smart Scent pro" App account or the service to create, upload, copy, publish, or disseminate that interferes with the normal operation of the "Smart Scent pro" App, or infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties content:

(1) Contains any sexual or sexual suggestion;

(2) Contains abusive, intimidating, or threatening content;

(3) Containing harassment, spam, malicious information, or deceptive information;

(4) Involving the privacy, personal information or data of others;

(5) Infringement of legal rights such as reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, and trade secrets of others;

(6) Contains other information that interferes with the normal operation of this service and infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.


5. Service content

5.1. The "Smart Scent pro" App has the right to review or delete any content (including but not limited to text, voice, Pictures, video graphics, etc.).

5.2. All announcements and other messages sent to the user can be sent through the APP or the contact information provided by the user.


6. Termination of service

6.1. In the following cases, the "Smart Scent pro" App has the right to terminate the provision of services to users;

(1) When the user violates the relevant provisions of this service agreement, the "Smart Scent pro" App has the right to terminate the provision of services to the user; if the user once again registers as a user directly or indirectly or in the name of another person, once discovered, "Smart Scent pro" "Scent pro" App has the right to unilaterally terminate the provision of services to the user directly;

(2) For example, when the "Smart Scent pro" App contacts the user through the information provided by the user, it is found that the contact information entered by the user during registration no longer exists or cannot be connected, and the "Smart Scent pro" App informs the user of the change through other contact methods , And the user still fails to provide new contact information within three working days, the "Smart Scent pro" App has the right to terminate the provision of services to the user;

(3) Users are not allowed to swipe or cheat through programs or manual methods. If the user is found to have cheated, the "Smart Scent pro" App will immediately terminate the service and have the right to withhold the amount in the account;

(4) Once the "Smart Scent pro" App discovers that the data or information provided by the user contains false content, the "Smart Scent pro" App has the right to terminate the provision of services to the user at any time;

(5) When the terms of service are terminated or updated, users expressly do not want to accept the new terms of service;

(6) And other situations where the “Smart Scent pro” App believes that the service needs to be terminated.

6.2. After the service is terminated, the "Smart Scent pro" App has no obligation to retain any information in or related to the original account for the user, or forward any information that has not been read or sent to the user or a third party.

6.3. The user understands and agrees that even after this agreement is terminated and the user's service is terminated, the "Smart Scent pro" App still has the right to:

(1) Continue to save your user information;

(2) Continue to claim to users the responsibility they should bear for violating laws and regulations, this agreement and platform rules during their use of platform services.


7. Service changes and interruptions

7.1. In view of the particularity of network services, users need to agree that "Smart Scent pro" App will change or interrupt part or all of the network services, and delete (no longer save) any information submitted by the user during use without notifying the user , And do not need to bear any responsibility to any user or any third party.

7.2. The "Smart Scent pro" App needs to regularly or irregularly check or update the platform that provides network services. If this type of situation causes the network service to be interrupted within a reasonable time, the "Smart Scent pro" App does not need to be responsible for this Any responsibility.


8. Modification of Terms of Service

8.1. "Smart Scent pro" App has the right to modify any content of these terms of service at any time. Once any content of these terms of service changes, the "Smart Scent pro" App will prompt users to modify the content through appropriate methods.

8.2. If you do not agree to the modification of the terms of service made by the "Smart Scent pro" App, the user has the right to stop using the network service.

8.3. If the user continues to use the network service, it is deemed that the user accepts the modification of the terms of service made by the "Smart Scent pro" App.


9. Disclaimer and Compensation Statement

9.1. If the "Smart Scent pro" App has clearly stated that its service provision method has changed and reminds the user to pay attention to matters, all consequences arising from the user's failure to operate as required shall be borne by the user.

9.2. The user expressly agrees that the risks of using the "Smart Scent pro" App will be entirely borne by him, and all consequences arising from his use of the "Smart Scent pro" App shall also be borne by him.

9.3. The user agrees to protect and maintain the interests of the “Smart Scent pro” App and other users. Because the user’s use of the “Smart Scent pro” App is illegal, untrue, improper, infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, or the user violates this Any terms under the agreement cause losses to the "Smart Scent pro" App and any other third parties, and the user agrees to be liable for damages caused thereby.


10. Privacy Statement

10.1. Scope of application:

(1) Personal registration information provided as required when the user registers for the "Smart Scent pro" App account;

(2) When the user uses the "Smart Scent pro" App or visits its related webpages, the "Smart Scent pro" App automatically receives and records the server values ​​on the user's browser, including but not limited to data such as IP addresses and user requirements Records of web pages accessed.

10.2. Information use:

(1) "Smart Scent pro" App will not sell or lend the user's personal information to anyone unless the user's permission is obtained in advance;

(2) "Smart Scent pro" App also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell or disseminate users' personal information by any means. If any user engages in the above activities, once discovered, the "Smart Scent pro" App has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with the user and seize his account;

(3) In order to achieve the purpose of serving users, the "Smart Scent pro" App may use the user's personal information to provide users with services, including but not limited to sending product and service information to users, or cooperating with the "Smart Scent pro" App Partners share information so that they can send users information about their products and services.

10.3. Information disclosure: the user's personal information will be partially or fully disclosed under the following circumstances:

(1) Disclosure to a third party with the consent of the user;

(2) Disclosure to a third party or administrative or judicial institution in accordance with relevant provisions of the law or the requirements of an administrative or judicial institution;

(3) If users violate relevant Chinese laws or website policies, they need to disclose to a third party;

(4) In order to provide the products and services requested by the user, the user's personal information must be shared with a third party;

(5) Other "Smart Scent pro" App Disclosure deemed appropriate in accordance with laws or website policies;

(6) For the bank account information provided by the user when using the "Smart Scent pro" App, the "Smart Scent pro" App will strictly fulfill the confidentiality agreement.


11. Other

11.1. "Smart Scent pro" App solemnly reminds users to pay attention to the clauses in this agreement that exempt the "Smart Scent pro" App from liability and restrict user rights. Users are requested to read carefully and consider the risks independently. Minors should read this agreement accompanied by a legal guardian.

11.2. The validity, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement are applicable to the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any dispute or controversy occurs between the user and the "Smart Scent pro" App, it should first be settled amicably. If the negotiation fails, the user agrees to submit the dispute or dispute to the jurisdiction of the people's court where the "Smart Scent pro" App resides.

11.3. No matter any clause of this agreement is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining clauses are still valid and binding on both parties.

11.4. The final interpretation right of this agreement belongs to the company of the "Smart Scent pro" App, and all interpretation and modification rights are reserved.

11.5. This agreement shall be applicable from April 01, 2021.